Monday 16 June 2008

Work in Melut

I have had a few weeks in Melut to catch up with work at the clinic and to do some training for the community health workers. Fortunately the rain had not started in a big way yet – just enough to give me an excuse to wear my new stripy wellies to do my teaching session! However as I left there on Wednesday the heavens opened and I spent a very wet and very cold four hours on the boat to Malakal – I think the rainy season has started.

Sunday 1 June 2008

Survey in Maban

In May I was able to have a great new experience working with the emergency response team. We completed a nutrition survey in this area which is close to the Ethiopian border. Rain, mud and transport were big problems but we got the data we needed and valid survey results. I will hopefully be back in Maban soon with the team to help support the set up of a nutrition programme and respond to what we found in the Survey. The landscape was very different from what I am used to in Melut – lots of trees and very green and mountains in the distance and lots of pigs running around.